
Long Yin suddenly arrived. She didn’t turn around. She looked around her and stopped looking at him, as if she didn’t take him seriously.

The atmosphere here makes Long Yin very uncomfortable, saying Ye Shuiyao is me.
Ye Shuiyao turned around and looked at him with an expression. He didn’t answer or salute. His eyes were dull as if he were watching a stranger.
Long Yin also said with a sigh that I already know that the Ministry has just met your father and grandfather. I want you to say that he paused this time, but I didn’t wait for Ye Shuiyao’s reaction to know how to say more about Yimen and see the mountain road. I’ll tell you this. In the future, the emperor of the windy country is very angry and wants to move troops to take me. Tianlong is too windy to stop me. If you are willing to go back to the windy and get married, they will let bygones be bygones. I still want to hear your opinion.
Ye Shuiyao’s face suddenly turned cold and she sounded full of hate. You still want me to marry the murderer who killed Xiaochen.
Long Yin knew that she would react this way. Nai said that I hate the windy country not less than one person, but I hate it more than one of you. How can I not know that if this kiss can come true, it is my Tianlong country that humiliated me. I know you hate Ye Jia more, but you know that all the officials in the DPRK know that if they really fight, I will face the danger of national subjugation and can solve this problem. Only you and I hope that you can bear a personal humiliation and save all the people. Tianlong history will always remember your name. You promised for the first time that Ye Jia’s men and women are loyal to the country. Are you willing?
Ye Shuiyao has been listening to his emperor’s voice with a cold face until he finishes. She said coldly, "Dragon kingdom dies, I fuck you, Dragon family dies, I fuck you, and get out of here."
A reprimand angrily made Long Yin’s face brush black. An emperor of Tianlong Kingdom dared to disrespect him. He was heavy and presumptuous.
As soon as his voice fell, Emperor Wei suddenly looked up and stared at his room. The gas in his room was instantly frozen and solidified. Long Yin was stared at by a poisonous snake. Fear breeds in his heart, and the cold spread makes his heart tremble violently.
At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed, and two old shadows flew in together. Long Yin was surrounded by him. After Li Lao came in, he immediately leaned down and said that he wanted Real Madrid to go back. Then he pulled him with no trace. Yi Long Yin looked at the pupil heart with knowing fear and turned away.
Long Yin’s heart terror has not yet been stared at by his pupil. At that moment, he felt a terrible feeling that his life would be taken away if he was held by a knife rest in his neck. He was worried and asked if that person was the girl who was picked up before Ye Chen.
The emperor also see her uncommon to a voice asked.
Yes, I don’t know anything about Wushu, but it must be a master to release the momentum just now. I didn’t expect this teenage girl to be so terrible. Li Lao, what did you just want me to leave, but I’m not sure that she would live in Hum Ye Shuiyao’s disrespect for me. It’s such a thought that Ye Shuiyao’s one rolled in his heart. For so many years, no one has ever talked to him like this.
It’s not uncertain, but it’s ten or twenty, and I can’t be her opponent together
What Long Yin stopped shocked eyebrows asked this seriously.
How dare I deceive the emperor?
Li Lao said yes, she doesn’t need three moves to kill us, and if she goes against the emperor by a hundred, we can’t stop another old voice.
Long Yin’s scalp is numb, and it is possible to think that the girl’s terrible eyes are even more chilling.
Emperor, there are many things in this world that can’t be kept constant, just like Ye Jiachen killed the God of War and killed us, which is like a myth, but it is a fact.
Long Yin stayed for a long time and said with a sigh, yes, I never thought Ye Chen would hide this deep. He really made the gods cry in windy country.
Yesterday, when Long Yin got the news, his heart was horrified. Now I want to think about it. He has been trying to kill Ye Chen. If one day he finds out that he has hidden this terrible power, even the god of war can slay and destroy his dragon family. But fortunately, he died not in his own calculation, but in the windy country. He can’t help but sigh that God bless his dragon family, not only he, but even the girl in black beside him is so amazing and terrible. Long Yin has been in control of Ye Chen’s understanding. In fact, he stays at the most superficial appearance.
It is no wonder that Tao Bai will die in his hand. What artifact is said to be virtual? How did he get to this point at his age? Is it really said that the demon possessed him?
Long Yin misunderstood Ye Chen this time. He was able to kill peaches in vain at that time, even if he reached the third level of chaos, he didn’t kill peaches in vain. He relied on the heart of the pupil to kill the wind and Chaoyang relied on the sky to extinguish the fire and cut the star sword.
We are more shocked and want to know about this than the emperor, but the only certainty is that the emperor must not provoke that girl just now. She has already made a murder. If we had been a little later, the emperor would have already.
As soon as Long Yin returned to the palace, a little eunuch hurried to report to the emperor and heard from Fei Huang Imperial Secretary that Princess Fei Huang had not eaten anything since yesterday. Does the emperor want it?
With a wave of her hand, Long Yin, who has a lot on her mind, will let people do whatever she wants to eat. Go ahead and wait to call Lin Kuang.
It wasn’t long before Lin Kuang came quickly and bowed down and said that the emperor called the old minister.
Ye Chen thing you know Long Yin asked.
It’s harder to know that the mainland is warm now than he wants to know.
What do you think?
This crazy Lin said carefully, I didn’t expect him to hide so deep that he was terrible.
He sent a sigh like Long Yin, and Long Yin didn’t ask Shen Mei any more questions. No matter how terrible he is, he is dead now. You don’t need to focus on him any more. Ye Chen’s death is a great opportunity for me and your Lins. Ye Nu has retired and doesn’t want to ask about politics. This is not a good thing or a bad thing. He will definitely take the initiative to come on the day of character war. What you have to do now is to spend your time. Do I mean?
Lin crazy immediately knowing old minister white.